Of how those errors made the youth
Grow a fear of going nowhere,
A constant straining terror.
The path of a railroad track
Means no turning back.
Yet, the howls of delight
That rang all through the night
Linger so easy to find
One can do it blind.
Join in the chorus.
Never mind who might deplore us.
Lessons relived to regret
Keep the sights set
Bulls eye on the prize
No one ever defined. Realize
It arrives after death –
Who knows beyond the last breath?
Questions lingering longer than all the candles made.
Last call! Be sure the tab is paid.
Years later counting coffers
Imagined full to purchase every offer.
Hindsight buying insurance
Losing the experience
Of stapling a stab wound shut.
Distracted by a barking mutt
Leave a metal Z in the neat row.
Told decades late it’s better not to know,
Though doubts should always persist.
A wanderer guided to a destination
By scars in a constellation
Can get as far as the stars
Conveying whispers from Christ to Mars.