Still, that isn’t to say I couldn’t be more on top of certain things. The sad truth is that no artist is above a bit of burnout, and months of chronic pain made it hard to dive into things. Turn around, two months are gone. That said, there’s no shame in falling behind in order to recharge. What matters is getting back on track even if the pace isn’t as quick as it used to be. With that in mind, here are some of the latest wins.
Rushmore allowed me to take a look at the movie as well as the career of Wes Anderson. Though I celebrate the auteur a bit, there’s also some criticism. Mainly, I managed to pen a piece that praised Anderson, while acknowledging that, perhaps, his style has run its course. Read the article and comment on the site if you agree or disagree.
Regardless, things are going fairly well. At least, there’s less to complain about than in days recently past. Beta readers are wrapping up their look at my big book Killing Lake Michigan and I’m hopeful that will be making the rounds soon. With any luck someone will buy it, and I’ll have that news to share. But meanwhile, the focus is on getting better as well as completing the Beerfinger album. Until next time, thanks for stopping by, my best to you and yours; stay weird and be safe out there!