'Cause he couldn't stop tonguing sips
Between butter creamy thighs;
Gripping hips to keep from slips
Tossing to the starry skies.
The irony of zero gravity --
Falling in love means floating above.
Fool to his root
Always avoiding the boot
From a seaside castle
Princess minding the hassle
Thinking girlish veils will prevail:
He may drift, but intends to sail
Back to arms always open
Welcome in from the ocean
Where's he caught every fish in the sea
"But he only loves me."
So that's what used to be.
Until the thrall twists a blade
Making love songs fade.
One long lonely night
The record skips, and the needle bite
Reminds of forgotten fangs,
Then we hear the gun bangs.
Jail bars seem a sin,
Sentencing to hell
Who's already been.
But blood drunk from a poison well
Angel in need of a win
Smiled as she fell
Remembering the murder scene
That made her a headline queen.