A few weeks back I got to perform live fiction at Chicago’s Golden Dagger. The venue is nice. I’ve been there before doing creative nonfiction for Story Sessions. However, I still haven’t pinned down the best way to record things there which is something I need to do in general when it comes to live shows. Especially considering I’ve got more on the horizon, but I think I can nail it down. In any case, this particular performance involved Unreal: a fiction-focused open mic which asked me to be there. They were celebrating another anniversary, and seeing as they’ve been kind enough to include over the last several years, I couldn’t say no.
The full book first draft clocks in at roughly 530 pages and 136,329 words. Those numbers are bound to change during revision. My hope is to get it lower rather than longer, tighten things up as it were. Whatever the case, it’s a thrill to finally be done with something I’ve been hammering out for almost four years. Even though there’s a lot of revisions going forward, I’m confident about this book because I’ve performed portions of it live in years past, and it always got a solid reaction. Audience always laughed and often wanted to know what happens next. Well, I can finally let them know.
I’ve got an interview with a podcast coming up. It regards the San Cicaro anthology I got included in not too long ago. To keep track of that as well as live shows when they come up, where to see, listen, etc. check out my Twitter page – @jackblankhsh – otherwise, my best to you and yours. Stay weird, stay safe, and tune back in next month for the roundup of articles, shows, and maybe some publications as well.