Phantom of the Paradise Sings of Glorious Failure | Film Obsessive
The first film is a kind of modern fairy tale about mortality called Tuesday. It was nice to see something based on an original idea if nothing else. The general premise is that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is mother to a dying teenager. Death arrives in the form of a mystical macaw. I think most people can guess the rest, but there is a strange catharsis provided by the movie. What helps is that the picture is never cheesy. It handles its material with seriousness and good humor rather than snark cynical sarcasm, and that honesty allows the movie to touch on the difficulty of letting go as well as the necessity of mortality. It isn’t an easy film to watch even if you haven’t just watched a friend die, but Tuesday tells a tale that needs retelling every so often.
Tuesday Makes Mortality Palatable | Film Obsessive
That said, Queen Tut centers around moving on and how memories of loved ones can fuel us to rise above. The world is a grim place but there’s no need to drown in the darkness. The story follows a young person named Nabil who moves to Canada after their mother’s death. Adrift in a strange land, he encounters Malibu, a grand dame of the drag scene who has also recently lost a loved one. The two heal one another, especially as Nabil realizes the drag star shining inside. It’s a wonderful film full of charming comedy and moving moments.
Queen Tut Slays Beautifully | Film Obsessive
Fresh Kills Leaves the Heart Beating | Film Obsessive
Consequently, this review ended up taking way too long to write as I oscillated between degrees of displeasure. Eventually, though, I settled on calling the movie mediocre. My full review does a better job articulating the flaws as well as pointing out the flecks of gold.
Ultraman: Rising Doesn't Get Very High | Film Obsessive
From writer-director David Duchovny (The X-Files), based on his book “F*ck Bucky Dent”, comes a charming story called Reverse the Curse. The movie is basically about an estranged father and son reconciling as the old man dies. That may be a familiar plot, but the delight here are some blunt one liners about life. It’s a movie about admitting failure in order to find forgiveness. Meanwhile, an absurd plot about faking wins for the Boston Red Sox unfolds. Reverse the Curse really knows when to switch gears, only turning serious when the material needs it.
Reverse the Curse Hits A Double | Film Obsessive
Personally, I think the film is fantastic. X, Pearl, and Maxxxine all feed together into one fantastic experience. While I have seen a few negative reviews, any criticism of Maxxxine tends to be from people whom I strongly doubt are familiar with the aesthetic not to mention the time period. That’s because nostalgia bait for the 1980s hasn’t focused on the grittier aspects of the decade. Maxxxine marvelously evokes not only the feel of 80s slasher cinema, neon-soaked VHS dripping blood, but it also reminds of the decade’s darker side. One critic complained Maxine showed no character growth between her appearance in X and this film which is utter horseshit. Maxxxine is one of the few horror films to show a marked difference in character behavior between sequels, that sharpened final girl more prevalent in modern fright flick follow ups.
For more on why I think the movie is fabulous check out the full review below. This is another one that ended up here, and I’m partly hoping that could become more regular. It all depends on how much PR companies acknowledge this site. I can’t blame them for thinking there’s no point in wasting a seat on someone without a lot of viewers. As such, I’m trying to get in the social media game a bit more.
REVIEW: MAXXXINE is Marvelous - Honesty Is Not Contagious
Remember to stay safe, always test unfamiliar firearms before using them, and keep weird.